Value Stock - Long Term Investing
Symbol ROI Past 5 Years ROI This Year Close Price Buyback Earning Date PE Forward PE Avg PE Fair Price Target Price After 1 Year Up & Down ROI Weekly KD Monthly stoch Daily stoch Weekly Resistance and Support Monthly Resistance and Support Daily Resistance and Support
ANET 501.24% 3.33% 115.51 (01-08) 51.07 N/A 35.72 324.37 (64.0%) 353.56 64.0% 206.09% 22.59~27.61% k: 92.5, d: 63.59 k: 92.94, d: 91.15 k: 64.08, d: 74.04 116.94, 105.683 116.94, 115.07
CPRT 118.36% 0.82% 56.78 (01-08) 43.72 36.17 33.83 48.34 (-17.0%) 52.69 -17.0% -7.2% 10.7~13.08% k: 58.17, d: 40.16 k: 58.17, d: 73.74 k: 16.05, d: 9.5, up 64.38, 56.62 58.58, 51.53 57.69, 56.62
CPRX 492.52% 5.95% 22.8 (01-08) 18.66 N/A 17.78 26.94 (15.0%) 29.37 15.0% 28.82% 185.08~226.2% k: 85.05, d: 59.17 k: 86.96, d: 80.57 k: 75.26, d: 28.13, up 24.27, 22.11 24.27, 22.67
KLAC 153.47% 7.79% 686.2 (01-08) 29.6 22.38 24.72 597.03 (-15.0%) 650.76 -15.0% -5.16% 24.58~30.04% k: 49.48, d: 30.81 k: 43.09, d: 41.87 k: 78.73, d: 84.31, down 696.42, 654.65 896.32, 609.4 694.36, 669.1
NVDA 928.91% 1.3% 140.11 (01-08) 53.49 47.49 81.3 174.5 (20.0%) 190.21 20.0% 35.76% 109.24~133.52% k: 87.69, d: 59.99 k: 87.96, d: 86.16 k: 47.73, d: 62.5 140.76, 136.15 140.76, 90.69 141.9, 139.6
NVO 226.04% -2.15% 85.64 (01-08) 35.36 N/A 34.27 107.68 (20.0%) 117.37 20.0% 37.05% 19.78~24.18% k: 10.62, d: 27.67 k: 6.21, d: 15.14 k: 15.03, d: 11.38, up 86.96, 81.5 148.15, 75.56 86.96, 85.0
TSM 91.84% 2.75% 207.12 (01-08) 32.47 N/A 24.27 172.67 (-20.0%) 188.21 -20.0% -9.13% 31.81~38.87% k: 87.78, d: 61.83 k: 88.12, d: 84.76 k: 50.1, d: 69.06 212.6, 193.47 208.16, 205.63

  • Fair Price: Calculating by "Target Price After 1 Year
  • Up & Down: The gap between "Fair Price" and "Close Price"
  • ROI: Possible ROI after 1 year


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